Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Africa Report


A total of twenty-four African nations have pledged intent of being involved with GATS. Four of these have submitted applications, and have been approved. Welcome to our newest membership nations and schools in South Africa and Zambia.


Brother Sisco, our regional representative recently promoted GATS in the sub-regional conference in West Africa.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

True Teachers


True Teachers


What, pray tell, is a teacher?

What does a true teacher do?

A teacher loves without a reason

A teacher pulls you through . . .

All the lazy days, the hazy days

A teacher lets you know

What you are now, what you could be

True teachers help you grow.

A teachers knows that real respect

Is something that you earn,

And although the teacher teaches

She's always willing to learn.

A teacher is more than a chalkboard

A teacher is more than a pen

A teacher changes the future

Though she never knows quite when.

So as you stand in your classroom

Know you're part of the race of rare creatures

Who stand out from the average instructors,

And call themselves true teachers.


                    Melinda Danae Poitras


"A teacher affects eternity: she can never know where her influence stops."

(Henry Brooke Adams)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pacific Report

Kevin Vacca reports: In the Philippines, I was able to make a presentation to the Board of Christian Education which was well received with all the Bible school presidents expressing enthusiasm for the program. The chairman of the Board of Christian Education recommended that I make a presentation for GATS at the February 2009 Executive Board meeting. At this meeting we scheduled Bible School teachers training for two days (sixteen total hours) during the month of May. This will involve forty teachers from the five schools. We will use the GATS Advance Educators Series. We presented GATS at the Micronesia West General Conference. I will be traveling to Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga in March to introduce GATS. We also have a regional retreat next year in October, and we can do more promotion there. And perhaps start a Pacific Bible School Association.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Regional Update; Brother and Sister Roger Buckland, GATS Regional Representative, Europe/Middle East

Continue to pray for the Sister Buckland's father. He suffered a slight heart attack, his heart is extremely weak, and he has cancer.


Quoting Jesus, Brother Buckland writes: "...that your fruit may remain..." indicates how important training and mentoring were to our Lord. Bible School endeavors are one of the principle means in which we invest in the harvest. A worthy goal is to provide Bible School education opportunities in each nation of our region. The EME Christian Board of Education is pledging itself to assist you in this invaluable ministry.


They have recently established scholarship funds for EME Bible School students.


Brother and Sister R. Kelley and Harvest Bible College report: We have just received some excellent news! We have passed the first stage of the accreditation process! We are both shocked and excited. It is just hard to believe we have actually made it thus far. Now we will be subjected to on sight inspections.


Following are recent regional stats provided by Brother Buckland:


  • This school year, there is an average of fifteen students per school.
  • Nearly 400 students have graduated from these schools within the past 12 years.
  • One hundred and eight former graduates and students are presently in the ministry (25%), resulting in one of every four entering the ministry.
  • Two hundred and ninety are now working in a local church ministry resulting in more than half of those who graduate actively involved in the local church.
  • To date, eleven national district officials and three regional missionaries have been trained in our Bible
  • Schools. Two more applications have been received for Regional Missionary Status from former EME Bible School students.